Blogger Layouts

Sunday, January 9, 2011

I relocated for a new job 5 months ago and in doing so started doing the things you do in a new place. I still need to establish a doctor and a dentist, but I’ve taken care of the important things. I have a library card (one of the first things I did), and I found a place with fantastic curry. I’m well on my way.

I am still experimenting with radio stations. I figured out which station is NPR and have a fairly reliable station I listen to on the way to work. I don’t know what their theme is, or even if they have one. When and why did radio stations start needing a theme? According to my sister themes are important. She informed me many years ago that mixed CDs should NOT, can NOT, mix song genres. But would I let that hold me down for one more day? No, I broke free from the chains. My CDs and playlists are a lovely mishmash of hodgepodge and shenanigans.

I would love a station that played good music and called itself GoodMusic 105.5FM or KickAss 99.1. (or something like that). Then again I am using the “me” definition of good music. I can think of at least 5 people right off that would adamantly disagree with some of my choices.

Tangent: I do not care for music snobs.
Definition: Music Snob – person who in determining what music they prefer consequently mock and belittle all other music as subpar. AKA – If I don’t like it; its crap and you are a fool for listening to crap.
How to identify a Music Snob: wrinkled nose, look of disgust, and pitying head shake during conversations about the beauty of I Believe in a Thing Called Love.

Back on track: radio stations and music.
I like lots of different kinds of music and enjoy chasing the rabbit down the rabbit hole in search of new music finds. I was driving to the previously referenced new job a couple of months ago when the background music registered; I smiled and turned up the volume. I arrived at work and because it was such a happy moment waited my car until the song had finished. The same thing happened today. Different days. Different songs. Same genre.

Those songs were Hotel California and I’ll Never Let You Go.

You rock Classic Rock. Enjoy!

Honorable mention Styx: Show Me the Way


  1. Show me the way? Styx? Is that a Christian group? :-)

  2. I agree about the stations - Jesse found a satellite station that you can pick your own songs -
    He had on movie themes yesterday that were pretty fun.
