Blogger Layouts

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Anthropomorphic: the attribution of a human form, human characteristics, or human behavior to nonhuman things.

I use my cell phone as my alarm clock - and have discovered that the snooze on the phone is 8 minutes long. This morning the clock alarm volume got louder and louder with each additional snooze. I have not noticed that feature before. It was almost like my phone was yelling at me. “Time to get up – THIS IS THE LAST TIME I AM GOING TO TELL YOU!” Alright, alright. Sheesh! I’m up already.

In thinking on why my alarm was so blasted loud this morning I realized … it knows.

I ordered a new cell phone 3 days ago. My current phone is on borrowed time, and it’s grumpy. It will not go quietly into the night.

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