Blogger Layouts

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Wrinkled Grapes

A truer statement has never been made.
Raisins ruin everything. Eve-ry-thing.

I have horrible memories of liquid engorged raisins in the oatmeal my mother made when I was a child.

Nightmares of the tainted pumpkin bread that even laboriously picking out the raisins could not save.

A truly embarrassing and gut wrenching adult experience with Raisin Bran that I have never shared with any one.

These are but a few of the reasons why I hate raisins.

When I saw the "Raisins Ruin Everything" shirt on shirt.woot a couple of months back I knew it was time to make a statement. I had no idea that statement would be so controversial.

During a trip to the local farmers market I purchased lunch from one of the food vendors. The server who brought my food to the window handed me the food, stopped, did a double take and said,

I did not know what she was talking about until she followed up with,
"Do you really hate raisins?"
"Well, yeah. They are really just gross wrinkled grapes."
Server: "Ohhh, that is so sad."
She shook her head slowly and turned away with a look of puzzlement on her face.

This is but one of the strange and confusing conversations I have had as a result of my shirt. And though it may not be popular my declaration of raisin animosity will continue. People need to know.

1 comment:

  1. I agree one hundred million percent. Though am curious about said raisin bran "incident". But, totally agree, ick to the raisins. Especially in baked goods. Eww. Eww. Eww.
